Memorize Scripture – Week 37

Right now, I am memorizing my way through what is called the Romans Road. While many of these passages are very familiar, and some I’ve memorized before, this experience is helpful because it puts several passages together in a cohesive sequence that helps us understand Paul’s letter a little better.

Last week, we looked at Romans 3:23-24. This week, we’ll move ahead to the fifth chapter, memorizing Romans 5:8:

Romans 5:8

Verses like this one reveal just how good the Good News is. God, who didn’t have to do anything for us, rescued us. Even in the midst of our sin, he sent his Son to die for us. That shows us just how great is his love for us.

How many of us would be willing to die for someone else? How many of us would be willing to give up one of our own children to save someone else?

I’m guessing that the answer is pitifully small. And that’s because, while we may make the sacrifice, it won’t do any good. It won’t save anyone.

But Christ’s sacrifice was different. Because of his sinlessness, he was able to take on our sin, restoring us to God’s favor.

God knew this was the only way to accomplish this. And, as hard as it had to have been, he did it… for you, for me.

That’s some pretty intense love!

How do you see God’s love for you displayed in your life daily? Are there any tangible ways that you can see it? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.