Memorize Scripture – Week 48

We’ve entered the month of December, and the Christmas season. Since we will be spending a lot of the season looking at the birth narratives, I figured we’d begin by looking at the end goal, and the why behind Jesus’ birth.

Take a look at how Paul describes it in Philippians 3:20-21:

Philippians 3:20-21

Christ came once, and will come again, as Savior and Lord, and those who are his will be transformed to be like him. How’s that for the ultimate Christmas present?

Even though we don’t know when or how this will happen, we do know that it will happen. As a result, we can live as citizens of a heavenly kingdom, looking forward in anticipation of the day that will come when Jesus will return.

That makes the season seem especially bright!

What is your favorite part of the Christmas season? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.