Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 31

Do you ever get the feeling that Jesus is speaking directly to our culture?

Even though this passage was penned two thousand years ago, it seems to apply directly to America in the twenty-first century.

It’s almost eerie.

Check out the passage: Matthew 6:24.

Matthew 6:24

Does this hit you right where you live?

If not, it should.

Think about it. As Americans, we are wealthy. We have our homes, two cars, TVs in every room, mobile phones and increasingly advanced electronics.

We have our savings accounts, our IRAs and pensions, our insurances.

Just who do we serve?


How do you avoid serving Money in an extremely materialistic society? Let me know in the comments.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 31

  1. Thank you for a reminder of our Lords words that speak to our generation all over the world. I live in VietNam and people aspire to have those things you mention above. However we know that being found In Christ is more precious than ltfe itself. God Bless.

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