Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 15

With the rate of divorce in America, even among Christians, this week’s passage is especially timely.

I understand that this can be a touch topic, but Christ was very up front with the fact that divorce is hated by God.  In this passage, you can almost hear his pain as he talks about it.

The passage for this week is, of course, the divorce passage found in Matthew 5:31-32.

Matthew 5:31-32

Here’s a link to the passage at Bible Gateway.

How has the divorce rate in America affected your family?    Let me know in the comments.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 15

  1. That’s a very challenging scripture. Divorce has affected my mom. Her and her first husband divorced due to infidelity. She remarried and has been married for over 25 years.

    We’ve also seen quite a few friends and family go through divorce due to how lightly society takes marriage now. It’s quite sad.

    • Sorry to hear that, but glad that the last 25 years has been good for her. Both of my parents have faced divorce and new marriages as well. It’s never easy…

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