Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 38

We are looking at a classic passage this week! These two verses may be some of the most recognizable in all of the New Testament; and some of the most often memorized.

Take a look at the passage in Matthew 7:7-8.

Matthew 7:7-8

Jesus makes some outrageous promises here. He tells us that God is ready and willing to answer our prayers. He wants to give us what our heart desires…

…As long as our heart’s desires are in line with his will.

That’s not such a big thing, is it?

But it can be difficult.

I know I have a hard time asking God for things, wondering just why he might answer my prayers. But this passages indicates that he wants to do exactly that.

I just need to have the faith to ask…

What is it that you need to ask God for? Do you find that easy or hard to do? Let me know in the comments.