Memorize The Sermon On The Mount – Week 39

I love this week’s passage! As a father of five, this serves as a powerful reminder that as much as I desire to give my kids good things, God desires so much more for me.

I love that thought!

Take a look at this week’s passage. It’s a bit bigger than normal, but we can handle it: Matthew 7:9-12.

Matthew 7:9-12

I have to admit, though, it kind of bothers me that Jesus refers to me as “evil”. I’d much prefer to sanitize it and say something like “needy” or “stumbling” or even “sinful”. But Jesus pulls no punches. He calls it what it is.

And if I fall into that category, and still want to give my kids great things, God will do so immeasurable more! That is absolutely incredible!

Jesus then wraps this passage up by giving us the Golden Rule: do to others what you would have them do to you.

God desires to pour out good gifts on us when we ask him. But in the very next sentence, he ties that to how we treat others. We often overlook that connection. We call for the good gifts, but don’t treat those around us like God expects us to.

Do you see the disconnect?

I’m not so sure that this is as difficult as we make it out to be.

Maybe Jesus‘ description of me is more apt than I’d realized…

Are you asking God for good gifts? How are you treating others? Let me know in the comments.