Scripture Stickies: And The Winner Is…

Last week, I wrote a review of Scripture Stickies, Post-It notes printed with passages of Scripture that can help you memorize.

Along with my review, I presented three opportunities to win a set of Scripture Stickies for yourself.

These things are pretty cool. It’s such a simple concept. You take one and stick it where you’ll see it frequently. Every time you see it and read it, you’re that much closer to memorizing it.

Scripture Stickies

I had three packets to give away, to three commenters. However, only one person left a comment. She will receive all three packets: Friendship, Love, and Get Well Soon.

And so, the winner is…

Trisha Irvin!

Each packet that Trisha receives comes with ten stickies, two each of five verses on any given topic. That’s a total of 30 Scripture Stickies that Trisha will be able to stick around her home! That’s pretty cool.

Don’t forget…

Readers of receive an additional bonus when they order Scripture Stickies! If you make a purchase from, enter the code “RANDLEMAN” at checkout to receive a ten percent discount and free shipping!

Congratulations to Trisha Irvin. I hope these Scripture Stickies are a fun and encouraging resource enabling her to memorize more passages from God’s Word.

What do you do to help you memorize Scripture? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

6 thoughts on “Scripture Stickies: And The Winner Is…

  1. Thanks Jeff!! You and Heather once gave me a scripture memorizing technique of putting a paper with scripture on it in a zip lock bag and taping it up in your shower, that way every day during the only kid free time you are sure to get you can focus on God and His word. All these years later, its still a great idea and I plan to use these stickies in my bathroom as well as other places around the house! Thanks again!!

  2. I love Scripture Stickies. I have partnered with Julie at SS to develop sets that go along with the Bible study I wrote and published. There is a set on Faith and one on Legacy. She already had one on Purity that I also like. I sell these at events where I speak. They are wonderful!!

    • That’s awesome! Julie has partnered with me as well with my 52 weeks of Scripture memorization this year. Pretty cool stuff!

  3. just ordered their scripture of the month package for a year. pretty cool stuff. thanks for the recommendation.

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