Sushi Etiquette

I ran across this the other day. I found it amusing and somewhat educational. Based on this, most of the people I see at sushi bars and hibachi grills don’t know how to eat sushi properly…

Sushi Etiquette

Agree? Disagree? Comments? Let me know if you eat sushi properly, and how you do it. Or if you even care…

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Sushi Etiquette

  1. I totally do the ginger thing and the bite it in half thing. Because in America it is thought to be impolite to take huge bites. I like the ginger with the sushi. And I dip the roll, sometimes rice falls off into the soy sauce. Oops!

    But…had anyone ever taught me how to eat sushi properly, I totally would have avoided these faux pas. And now I can! Thanks, Randleman!

  2. The only people I've ever seen take more than one bite out of a piece of sushi are women. Men take big bites regardless…

    I've never put the ginger on my sushi. That's just wrong. I use it in between different flavors of sushi to get my mouth ready for the new taste. Mmmmm. And I had some last night…

    I dip the roll too. And I always have dipped it bottom first, because that's how I pick it up with the chopsticks.

    I guess my faux pas are acceptable, after all I am gaijin. Silly Americans…

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