Teaching My Passion

Over the past few years, I’ve had a pretty solid relationship with and connection to the Creation Truth Foundation. So much so, in fact, that we actually considered joining the staff there, teaching the history and truth found in the early chapters of Genesis.

CTF Banner

Through CTF, I participated in a series of classes they offer for ministers, called The Institute For Biblical Worldview Studies. This was a series of classes, taught at CTF, investigating in detail the first eleven chapters of Genesis.

I enjoyed this class so much that I decided to sit through it a second time, gleaning even more information and knowledge.

As a youth minister, I never really had the opportunity to utilize this learning experience as much as I would have liked. Sure, pieces of the information continually popped up in my teaching to teens, and I even developed a series for teens using some of the material.

But I never really had the opportunity to teach it fully.

Until now.

You may already know that I have transitioned out of youth ministry after twenty-three years, and stepped into a lead and preaching ministry role. With that role comes the opportunity to teach through this information in a more detailed and complete fashion.

I’m pretty excited about that.

Beginning in the fall, I will be teaching a class on biblical worldviews, based on the information found at the beginning of the Bible, the first few chapters of Genesis. This class will continue through the fall and winter, culminating in a major event in the spring involving Creation Truth Foundation.

I can’t even begin to express just how excited I am about this! Even though I know this material very intimately, I know this will be an opportunity for growth for me personally, as I sift through all the information and process it in a way that is teachable to others.

I’m looking forward to it. And if you’re in our area, I hope you’ll come and check things out. It will be extremely interesting!

My favorite passages of Scripture are found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. What are your? You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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