The Creation Of Man

Here’s an interesting bit of Genesis creation information that I found intriguing. God created everything in six days by the power of His Word. He spoke the universe into existence. But when, it came time to create Adam, he formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Wow! God got his hands dirty when he created his masterpiece. He used more than just the spoken word. He acted.

And when he created Eve, God put Adam into a deep sleep, and removed a piece from Adam’s side (Genesis 2:21). Most translations render this word as rib. However, the Hebrew word here, “tsela”, means “curved chamber.” While the rib cage is a “curved chamber,” I believe that God was after something else from Adam. In my studies and reading, it seems that “curved chamber” refers more to a piece of Adam on the cellular level. I believe that God was after one of Adam’s cells, specifically his DNA. And He use that to create woman.

So, God took this “curved chamber” and closed up the flesh at that place (Genesis 2:21).  He performed an act of surgery to create Eve. God again was “hands-on” in the creation of His masterpiece: Man and Woman.

I believe that speaks to the level of love and care He has for each one of us. He didn’t just speak us into existence, he lovingly formed us into his image. That speaks volumes about our worth as His creation.