The Life That Honors God: Treat Others With Respect

This is part of the series The Life That Honors God, from 1 Timothy. Check out more from the series!

Right now, we are in the middle of a series, where I am sharing five different aspects of The Life That Honors God. This series, based out of 1 Timothy chapter 4 and chapter 5, is all about how to live a life that makes a difference to others, but most importantly, to God. Click on the link in the box above to see the introductory post, with links to all five aspects.

The Life That Honors God:  Treat Others With Respect

1 Timothy 5:1-2 says this:

Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

Paul is exhorting this young man to show respect to his elders; and to be gentle and to show purity in his relationships with others. He seems to be stressing to Timothy here to emphasize purity in his relationships with young women.

Guys let me speak to you for a moment. Ladies listen up, because this is something you need to hear as well. Guys, you are visually oriented. More so than women are. You are emotionally and physically attracted by what you see. Ladies, this isn’t as important to you, but it still can be a problem. Watch yourself in this area, guys. It appears that Satan has identified a weakness in many men – lust or sexual impropriety. Guys, your service and ministry will be destroyed with a wandering eye or an impure heart.

We have seen many leaders fall in this area of purity. Many Christian men in highly visible positions have been ruined by this. I have known several men, ministers and youth ministers, some of them close friends, that have had fallen flat on their faces in this area. In fact, I heard about a friend of a friend just a few weeks ago, who lost his marriage, his ministry, all because of his moral failure.

Watch this area closely. Be above reproach in this area, even in appearances. If it even appears that you fall short here, that can cause a hindrance to your service, and be a stumbling block to others.

Commit to a life of purity. For the pure in heart shall see God.

Paul also speaks about respecting those older than you. And there is a logical basis for his statement. Older people have had more opportunities for experience!

When I was a teenager, I knew, without a doubt, I knew what was best for Jeff. I knew it. And if anyone tried to tell me differently, I let them know very quickly just how smart I was. I knew what was best for Jeff, and I wanted everyone around me to know that I knew.

And knowing that got me in trouble more than once.

One time, my youth minister, Chris, invited a lady in our church to speak to the youth group about non-Christian music. I don’t remember what she said at all. I do remember what I thought she said: that all non-Christian music was bad. So I asked why? She responded with (I thought, anyway) “because it is.” So I asked why again.

My lack of respect for her caused me to get jumped by her husband, by Chris, and by Chris’s wife.

I simply didn’t have a proper respect for this woman.

It seems that I have gotten myself in trouble time after time in situations like this. One of the hardest areas for me to respect others is on the road. When other drivers don’t drive like I think they should, I get frustrated. I get upset. And sometimes it’s just too easy to show a lack of respect. We can’t let this problem take root in our lives!

As I grew older, I gained more experience in life. Any people who knew me as a teenager probably would tell you that they are surprised that I survived long enough to become an adult.

Sometimes I’m surprised too.

But I woke up with a revelation one day. No, my parents are not complete idiots. Sure, they’ve made some poor choices. But so have we all. They have gained a lot of experience. And I can benefit from what they have learned, if I am willing to listen to them and respect them.

Respect for others will take you a long way.

And showing respect for others is a form of respect and reverence for God. Caring about those around us is his heart, and if we want to reflect God in our lives, we must take on his heart and his characteristics, and let them be seen through us as well.

Do you have a hard time showing respect for others? What can you do to adjust your attitude in this area? You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.