Book Review – The Noticer by Andy Andrews

The Noticer

 Jones is a man who notices. Jones notices things most people miss, even though these things are in plain sight to everyone. And Jones uses what he notices to help others. He notices things about situations and people that produce perspective. “That’s what most folks lack – perspective – a broader view. So I give them that broader view… and it allows them to regroup, take a breath, and begin their lives again.” 

In The Noticer, Andy Andrews tells the story of a simple man who notices things about people. And then he imparts wisdom and perspective into the lives of the people he comes into contact with; and into the life of the reader in the process. 

Filled with wisdom and insight, The Noticer is one of the best books I have ever read. Simple, and easily read in a couple of evenings, The Noticer is full of nuggets of truth that hit home, sometimes with painful intensity, and deals with some of the most difficult issues in life. 

Andy Andrews hits the nail on the head repeatedly in The Noticer. I cannot help but recommend that everyone I know reads this book. It is life-changing in its simple, yet profound, wisdom. A pleasure to read, and re-read. Add this one to your book shelf today! 

If you are interested in reading The Noticer, you can purchase it at