Have you ever had an epiphany? One of those moments when a light bulb goes on in your mind, in a major way? I had one of those a few days ago when I made some changes to the way I read and study the biblical text in my Logos software.

I was reading through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and I turned off all the extraneous stuff that you find in most printed Bibles: the verse and chapter markers, the subheadings, the cross references. I was reading the letter in much the same way that the Ephesian people would have experienced it. And I noticed something significant in the context and flow of the letter in what we view as chapters 5 and 6.

There are two famous passages in those chapters, one on marriage, and the other on spiritual warfare. With the headings removed, the context of the letter allowed those two passages to be seen in a completely different relationship. All of a sudden, I saw that marriage might be one of the most intense areas of spiritual warfare that we experience.

About Random Ramblings:

Random Ramblings are just that: they are random, and I’ll probably ramble. It’s an opportunity to share a little about what’s going on in my mind. From resources, to things I’m thinking about or studying from Scripture, to fun stuff, I hope these ramblings can be a fun part of your day. These brief videos will be shared here and on my YouTube channel. You can jump over there to subscribe for only video updates, or subscribe here to be notified of posts of all kinds.


Logos Bible Software
The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
Defending Your Marriage by Tim Muehlhoff

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