The time of the book of Judges was a very dark period of Israel’s history. The people of Israel were in a cycle of sin and oppression. God would send a deliverer, and they would have peace for a time, and then the cycle would repeat, getting progressively worse. However, there are a few bright spots to be found during this time. One of them is the example of a man named Manoah.

One of those bright spots is the example of a man named Manoah and his wife, found in Judges 13. God reveals to Manoah what he is about to do for his people, and Manoah’s response is one that we can follow as an example of faith and obedience.

In this Random Rambling, we’ll see four characteristics that Manoah displays, characteristics we should develop in our own life as well.

About Random Ramblings:

Random Ramblings are just that: they are random, and I’ll probably ramble. It’s an opportunity to share a little about what’s going on in my mind, primarily about what I’ve gained from my study of Scripture. I hope these ramblings can be an encouraging and helpful part of your day. These brief videos will be shared here and on my YouTube channel. You can jump over there to subscribe for only video updates, or subscribe here to be notified of posts of all kinds.


That sweet mug is handmade by THrō Ceramics. I received it as part of my Mugbox subscription. Check them out!

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