Waiting On The Second Coming

One of the things I hear very often, especially when I’m around people who love to study prophecy and the end times, is that it is likely that the Lord will return “within our lifetimes.”

Stopwatch, Second Coming

My personal opinion of this is that it just might be the case. However, we can’t be dogmatic about it, because we simply don’t know. People have been saying the exact same thing for a very long time, since the time of Paul the Apostle. So, while we can’t know the day or the time that Christ will return, there are a few things that we can do to make sure that we are ready.

People have been anticipating the coming of the Lord since Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians, and Christ himself referenced his return several times. Paul had to address believers in Thessalonica who were quitting their jobs. Their reasoning was, “If Christ is returning soon, why work?” In response to this, Paul had to lay down the law, and state that those who don’t work, won’t eat (2 Thessalonians 3:12). Even so soon after the time of Christ, people were looking for the end of days.

That tells me that the “end times” have been stretching on for a while now. We may be in them, maybe towards the end of them, but they have been in place for some time.

If we cannot know the time of Christ’s return, then we need to be ready for it when it occurs. And since that time is a mystery, then we need to be perpetually ready. 1 Peter 4:7-11 gives us at least four things that we can do to make sure we are ready for the imminent second coming of Christ, no matter when it may happen.

Preparing For The Second Coming

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Keep Our Heads Clear

The first thing that Peter tells us in this passage is to stay alert and keep our minds focused. Why? So that we can pray. As the end of all things approaches, it is increasingly important that we keep our prayer life directed intentionally toward God. We need to pray for the message of the gospel to be presented to all the peoples of the world. We need to be praying for those we know who have not made a decision concerning Christ. We need to pray for ourselves, that we will be able to stay strong as that time approaches. In Matthew 24, Jesus tells us to keep watch, or as Peter states it, to be alert, so that we can be ready when he comes.

Keep Our Hearts Warm

The second item Peter encourages us to do in this passage is to love others deeply. When we communicate love, deep love, lives are transformed. People are more open to hearing what God wants to do in their lives. One of the characteristics we strive for in my church is to be a very open, welcoming, and loving church. When people see that we love them, and we do because God does, then suddenly they are more open to seeing what Christ has to offer. So, really, love does cover a multitude of sins.

Keep Our Homes Open

Third, Peter asks us to be hospitable. Opening our homes, and our lives, to others is foundational to building relationships with people who need to hear the message of the gospel. Often hospitality can be inconvenient and frustrating. It can be overwhelming and stressful. People coming into my home means that I have to clean it and make a good presentation. Often, either we don’t do this, or we grumble when we do. That’s not the attitude that Peter suggests here. When we lived near a Bible college, we knew a student that needed to sit out a semester to save money in order to continue. We offered to give her a place to stay for several months, giving her one of the spare bedrooms, and the opportunity to live without having too many expenses. Sometimes it wasn’t comfortable or convenient. But it was the right thing.

Keep Our Hands Busy

Finally, Peter tells us to keep our hands busy, using our gifts to encourage and serve others, waiting on the second coming. This is one of the best ways to avoid placing too much of a value on our own selves, and keeps us focused on the needs of others. I learned very early in life that when I felt sorry for myself, the best thing to do was to serve someone else. That always took my mind off of my own minor problems, every time. When we use our gifts to serve and encourage others, we bring praise and glory to the Father.

These are not the only things we can be doing as we wait for the Lord to return. But they are a good place to start. As we anticipate his return, and whether or not that happens in our own lifetimes, there are some things that we can be doing while we wait. Until the second coming, these four things are four actions that we can take to help build his kingdom, and impact the lives of those around us.

Question: What are you doing as you anticipate the second coming of Christ? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Waiting On The Second Coming

  1. This is good, Jeff. I am in the midst of a 2 year long study of the book of The Revelation. It has taught me much, but this one thing I know….Jesus IS coming back. It is prudent for me, and all of Christ’s church, to be ready. Your list is right on target. It would be so easy to get all caught up in the when it will happen. Instead, we need to trust God with the when.

    • My passion lies at the other end of the book. I love the beginnings and creation and Genesis. The danger for me is to focus on that and neglect the looking ahead part. So, over the years, I’ve discovered that Genesis and Revelation really make good bookends for the rest, they way they dovetail together so nicely. God created, he entered his creation, and he will redeem his creation. That is certain.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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