Running To Raise Awareness Of The African Water Crisis

Running For Active:Water

Active Water BannerMany of you may know that I have decided to train and run a marathon. What you may not know is that I have decided to do this not for myself, but for people in Zambia, Africa, and around the world who do not have access to clean drinking water. I am running so that Africans do not have to walk for their water.

My goal is twofold: I want to train and condition myself to run a marathon, and reach for even loftier goals afterwards. And I want to do this in partnership with Active:Water, raising funds for and awareness of the crisis in Africa and other places around our globe where people do not have access to clean drinking water.

The African Water Crisis

Water Pouring***Much of the following information has been taken directly from Active:Water’s website. You can read about the African water crisis in more detail here:***

For a large portion of the earth, water is scarce. In fact, less than 1% of the world’s fresh water supply is readily accessible for human use.

For millions of others, water may actually be available as an abundant natural resource, it just simply isn’t available to them. It may be below shallow ground cover, but there is no technology to access it. Or it may be fresh spring fed water, but it is owned by major corporations that bottle the water for other countries more fortunate. The truth is, water is a luxury item most simply cannot afford.

The average American individual uses 100-176 gallons of water per day, while the average African family uses about 5 gallons per day (World Resources Institute).

Water-borne illnesses are the leading cause of natural deaths in the world. More deaths per year than guns, cancer, vehicle accidents, or even war.

Cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid, malaria, schistosomiasis… are all deadly diseases in developing nations.

Some water-related diseases won’t kill you, but some will leave you permanently blind, such as trachoma.

Clinics are few and far between in impoverished communities. Lines are often very long, and water illnesses are very quick to overtake their victims.

Children under the age of 5 are often victims of water-related deaths. Most mothers will lose one or more children to a sickness caused by lack of safe drinking water and/or sanitation.

Active:Water is an organization that is working with Blood:Water Missions to bring clean drinking water to the people of Zambia, Africa.

The Mapalo is one of the communities in Zambia receiving help from Active:Water. They have water tables at about 10-15 feet which allow easy access for hand wells, but the problem is that there are many unsettled latrines that allow typhoid, cholera, and giardia bacteria into this water source. These diseases kill many people each year, especially children under the age of five. It became so bad that the government named the region Chapulu Kusu, which means “Cursed Village”. In 2008 the village asked for the name to be changed to Mapalo, which means “Blessed Village”. They wanted the name changed because of the hope that they have for their future because of recent water sanitation changes Active:Water has helped make!

What I Am Doing To Address The African Water Crisis

RunningI have teamed up with Active:Water to raise awareness about and funds for the water crisis in Africa.

Team Active:Water is a group of individual athletes all over the world who share two passions; being fit and saving lives!

Through vigorous training, competitive participation, and compassionate advocacy, Active:Water team members fulfill their dreams of athletic conquests knowing that every drop of sweat from our own personal sacrifice is leading to a richer, fuller life for another. This mission is accomplished through the funding of clean water solutions for communities in developing nations all over the world.

Simply put, because I am willing to perform at my best, share the story of 1.1 billion people who lack access to safe drinking water with my friends, and challenge others to make a difference on my behalf, countless lives will be changed and thousands of lives will be saved! I run, so Africans don’t have to walk for water.

I have decided to partner with Active:Water by raising funds and awareness as I run in several races over the next year.

This fall, I plan to begin racing by running in two 5K runs. Later in the fall and winter, I will run in additional 5K and 10K races; and in late winter or early spring, I plan to run in at last one half-marathon, possibly two. Races TBA.

Lewis & Clark LogoMy ultimate goal (for the moment) is to run a full 26.2 miles in the Lewis and Clark Marathon, in St. Charles, Missouri, in September of 2010.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with Active:Water and supporting me as I raise funds and awareness of the African water crisis. And please know that I appreciate your time and consideration.

I’m doing my part. You can join me and help!

You Can Help Me

Jeffs PicIt doesn’t take a lot to make a difference in Africa’s water crisis. A simple donation goes a long way to providing safe and clean water for another human being. For example:

    • $10.00 provides clean water for
       1 African for life.
    • $20.00 provides clean water for
       2 Africans for life.
    • $50.00 provides clean water for
       1 African family for life.
    • $3000.00 provides clean water for
       1 African community for life.

Another way you can help is by forwarding this email to as many people as possible. Help me spread awareness of the African water crisis!

And finally, and most importantly, you can pray. Pray that enough people see the need and decide to help do something about this water crisis. Pray for me as I train and condition. And pray for the people in undeveloped areas of our world, who don’t have access to clean water, and are dying in masses as a result.

Make A Donation

Make a difference! Make a donation online now.

Simply go to:

DonationIt’s simple and secure.

Or you can mail a personal check made out to Active:Water to:

    Jeff Randleman
    1210 North Ash Street
    Mountain View, MO 65548

Thanks for helping me make a difference!

Upcoming Events

CalendarHere are a few of the upcoming races that I have registered for. You can make a donation to support me as I run these races, and/or show up at the race to offer moral support and encouragement.

    • October 10 – St. John’s Sunshine Run, a 5K race
       in Springfield, Missouri.
    • October 31 – The Ozark Greenways 5K race
       in Springfield, Missouri.
    • September 2010 – The Lewis and Clark Marathon
       in St. Charles, Missouri.

Thanks For Your Help!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know that there is a lot of information here that can consume much of your time. My prayer is that as you read, your heart was touched. Please consider helping me to do my part to address this global crisis. Please consider making a donation on my Active:Water webpage. Any amount you are able to give helps to save lives.

Thanks again for your help!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

3 thoughts on “Running To Raise Awareness Of The African Water Crisis

  1. Hi Jeff,

    I would like to offer you some free space at our Water Site Awareness Community to promote your mission. It would be a honor welcoming you. All the best with the campaign.


  2. Great to see that you are shooting for our race in 2010.
    Just to let you know, we have FINALLY gotten a later date and will have the race on October 3rd, 2010.

    Jeff Neuschwander
    Race Logistics Coordinator – Lewis & Clark Marathon

  3. Posted this on my Facebook today and will also highlight this on my blog when it’s back on my priority list. With dad passing, it’s rightfully on the backburner for now. But I want to trumpet this so you can have a nice big pot by next year at this time!!! Yeah!!!

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