Why A Biblical Worldview Is Critical

One of my strongest passions is studying and understanding the book of Genesis. In this first book of the Bible, we are given the foundations for almost every single fundamental doctrine in the rest of the Bible. Understanding Genesis is crucial to understand the other 65 book of the Bible.

Worldview:  Glass Globe

How you and I view the world is perhaps one of the most important aspects of who we are. How we view the world is called our worldview. I’ve written before about the necessity and the battle for a biblical worldview.

However, it is worth taking a look at again.

You and I each have a worldview. It is impossible to live without one. But just what is that worldview? And how to we go about strengthening it on the foundation of God’s Word? Those are good questions to ask.

A worldview is a set of presuppositional belies that govern how we view everything in life. It is the filter through which we view everything.

And we either view the world through the lens of Scripture, or we view it through something else.

There are four fundamental questions that form the basis of a worldview:

  • The question of our origins – Where did I come from?
  • The question of our purpose – Why am I here?
  • The question of our identity – Who am I?
  • And the question of our destiny – Where am I going?

Each of those are important questions, and the answers to each of them determine largely how we view life and the world around us. Yet, one of them is more critical that the other. That is the question of origins.

If we believe that God created us, then the answers to our purpose, our identity and our destiny are simple. Our purpose is to glorify God though Christ, and to make him known to others. Our identity is found in Christ. And our destiny is an eternity with him.

But if we don’t believe that God created everything we see, then those answers will be drastically different. We have no purpose, no identity, and no destiny.

The key to understanding our origins is found in the book of Genesis, in the first eleven chapters. Building a solid worldview based upon the information in these pages is critical for maintaining a biblical view of everything around us. But it can be difficult.

The world has largely rejected the historicity of the book of Genesis. The idea that man came from rocks, to single-cell organisms, to more complex life, and ultimately to what we are now is promoted and taught at every level of the educational system, until we are brainwashed into blindly accepting the fallible word of man over the infallible Word of God.

A call back to the study and acceptance of Genesis as literal history is desperately needed if we are going to keep a worldview that is God-centered.

But that will only happen when we begin to take God at his Word, and believe what he has told us. And that begins in Genesis.

Question: Have you ever stopped and seriously looked at the early chapters of Genesis to see just how God created this world we live in? Why not do so now? You can leave a comment by clicking here.