Coffee Break – 11.03.2014

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Coffee Jerks – The early age of television advertising seems to have had few boundaries, even while being very strict in other ways, such as naming your competitor’s product. These ads for coffee are so pathetic that they are almost laughable, if they weren’t so cringe-worthy. It seems that political correctness may have a valid use after all…

7 Smartphone Photography Tips And Tricks – These are some creative ideas on using your phone to accomplish some pretty cool shots. I just might have to try the “panodash” myself.

How Busy People Make Time To Read – Ever wonder how people fit in the time to read all that they do? Here are several good suggestions for finding the time to read more. Some of these may be more helpful than others, but I can see how each of these could be useful to some people. I, however, simply cannot apply the “50 Page Rule.” If I start something, I feel a strong need to finish it.

Why You Need More Art In Your Life – “If you want to find more creativity, satisfaction, and happiness, the single best solution I know is adding more art to your life.” I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. However, not all of what some consider art is appealing to other people. With this in mind, find that which you find creative and celebrate it.

God’s Word: Closer Than Your Smartphone – I have always been a big proponent of memorizing Scripture. I like how Challies puts it at the end of his post: “Memorizing God’s Word is a secure investment. It can’t be lost or taken from you. It won’t grow old or become outdated. And unlike your smartphone, it will never be obsolete.”

Encourage One Another: Giving Grace With Your Words – My family and I recently went through a period of our lives where we felt absolutely no encouragement. Fortunately, that was a short season for us, and we are no longer trudging through that wilderness. But in the process, we learned how to be an encouragement to others, even when you feel like you aren’t being encouraged yourself. This post sheds some insight into that idea.

The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross